First name, family name
Stephan Schulmeister
Current position
Independent economic researcher and university lecturer
- Instability of financial markets and its impact on the real economy
- structural changes in international trade
- 2010: International Monatary Fund (Visiting Scholar)
- 2005 and 1998: University of New Hampshire, Visiting Scholar
- 1987/88: Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, Research Fellow
- 1983: New York University, Visiting Scholar
- 1975/76: Johns Hopkins University, Bologna
- 1972-1974: Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna
- 1968/72: University of Vienna, Economics
- 1965/70: University of Vienna, Law
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained
Dr. jur., Mag. rer.soc. oec. (University of Vienna)
Employment Record
- 1986-1987: Research fellow, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin
- 1972-2012: Austrian Institute of Economic Research
- since then: Independent economic researcher and university lecturer
Other professional activities
- American Economic Association
- Lecturer at the University of Vienna, at the University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna, at the Management Center Innsbruck and and at several other universities of applied sciences
- 1973-date: Consultant to various Austrian government agencies and to the Advisory Council on Social and Economic Policy
- Member of the Austrian Economic Association and the American Economics
Lecturer at the University of Economics, Vienna, and at the Danube University Krems
Language skills
- German: mother tongue
- English: excellent
- Italian: fluent
- Österreichisches Ehrenkreuz für Wissenschaft und Kunst, I. Klasse (2012)
- Bruno-Kreisky-Preis für das politische Buch 2018 - Sonderpreis "Arbeitswelten - Bildungswelten".
- Preis für den besten Beitrag zu widerspruchsgeleitetem Denken im Rahmen der Crowe SOT Sommergespräche (aus Anlass des 20. Jubiläums-Gesprächs 2019)
- Preis für wissenschaftliche Publikation der Keynes-Gesellschaft 2020 für "Der Weg zur Prosperität"